
September 11, 2010

Spreading The Love


I am so honoured that Jill of Creating My Way To Success has awarded me the "Great Blog Neighbour Award"!!!!  She is so sweet!  She has a great blog that I just happened to come across one day and i'm glad I did. 

Thank you Jill...You Rock!

Upon receiving the award, here are the rules one must follow:
1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
2. Pass the award to 5 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered.
3. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
4. Tell us about your favourite book

My favourite book is "100 Years of Solitude" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Gabriel Garcia Marquez is a Columbian born Nobel Prize winning author.  He wrote 100 Years in 1967, but this book is timeless.
 The book chronicles 100 years in the life of Macado, a small village founded by  José Arcadio Buendía. You are introduced to his descendants and experience their pain, joys and eccentricities.  An excellent read.

Now onto my awardees (In no particular order)...All of these blogs, I have recently discovered and think you all should check them out:

September 7, 2010

Leaf Print Pillows

As I've mentioned on this blog before, we've been at Sapphire Ridge for a year now and haven't really decorated with the exception of the kid's rooms.  I have since made slipcovers for both couches and I am now making pillows to add a bit of pop.

As I was browsing the great queen Martha Stewart's site, I came across this lovely tutorial for "Leaf Print Pillows".  I had a bit of canvas left after covering the couches so I decided to use the leftovers for this project. This is my first try and I've only used one color.  Next time I'm going to use at least three.

First I had to pick the leaves.  I decided on Sea Grape leaves.  Sea Grape is a fruit tree that grows along the shore and resembles grapes in size and purple color.

They also grow in a clusters similiar to grapes. 
Hence the name.  Their leaves are broad, have deep vines, and are perfect for this project.
First I gathered my supplies:
  • foam brush
  • fabric medium
  • acrylic paint
  • paper towel
  • rubber roller (I didn't have this so I used a large cup)
 Prepare the paint and medium. Then with the foam brush, paint the underside of the leaf. Do not put too much paint on the leaf, you want to be able to see the details (I did a few practice runs). 
Next, place leaf painted side down onto fabric.  Then place a paper towel on top of leaf.  
Roll the brayer/cup back and forth on the paper towel, making sure you get all of the grooves. Carefully lift up your leaf.
Continue to add leaf prints in a pretty pattern until satisfied.  Let dry. Heat set with an iron. Sew your pillow together.   

September 6, 2010

Just Take A Minute

Yesterday I had the opportunity to meet some special people.  They all live at a government run facility for those who need assistance as a result of mental or physical incapacity or drug rehabilitation. 

We visited the children's wards. Some of these children were abandoned by their parents and family members because they are mentally or physically disabled.  Linda is in her early thirties, has the mental capacity of a child and has lived there for more than 15 years.  Her family just left her there.  She greeted me with a wide smile and a long hug.  She had never met me before today, but she called me her niece.

I also met a group of boys and girls ranging in age of 12-16.  They are in there for behavioural problems.  They were all polite and listened intently to us.  They quoted Bible scriptures and prayed beautiful prayers.  When I left, all I could ask myself was "Why are they there?  What went wrong? Will they be okay?"

For most of us, we live a good life.  We are secure in the knowledge that we are loved by someone.  We take so much for granted.  Family, friends, the abilty to read, write, use computers, cellphones, ATM's etc.  We have it so easy, and complain so much. 
Just take a minute to look around, really look at what you have and then thank The Lord.