
May 26, 2010

Me vs. Claire Huxtable and Super Blogger Moms

I am filing a petition in the very near future against Claire Huxtable. She has defrauded the public into believing that being a wife and mother is the easiest job on Earth and because it’s so easy, she became a full-time lawyer. I am thinking of adding June Cleaver (Leave it to Beaver),Elyse Keaton (Family Ties), Carol Brady(The Brady Bunch), Annie Camden(Seventh Heaven), Caroline Ingalls(Little House on Prairie) and that mom from “Eight is Enough”. 

I’m also adding those Super Blogger Moms to the suit. You know who I mean…..Those bloggers who craft, bake, remodel, and are”Happy wife to Tim (my hero) and mother of three darling angels and a dog.” They’re the worst of the lot. By 8am they’ve already fixed dinner, baked a cake, refinished the dining room chairs and are primed and ready for a hot passionate lovemaking session after she puts the kids to sleep. Then they blog, tweet and facebook it so they can hear, “You’re amazing!! Tell me your secret! Oh…I can never be as super as you!” Now, I’m not saying that they are lying, but what else is going on in their Land of Perfect huh? HUH???
Why don’t you tell us about how your 10 yr. old Jack made you cry? Or how your laundry has piled up and your kids have no clean underwear? You bought KFC and Wendy’s two nights in a row, didn’t you? What about that husband Tim? Is he really that”Knight in Shining Armour” or does he work too much, drink too much, or play too many hours of video games?

Yes, I am jealous. I have tried to be that blogger wife, but the truth life is sooo much more. And I get it, they just don’t choose to discuss the hard times. I understand. But why can’t I see a post that says ” Yesterday Sucked, Today Sucked, and Tomorrow will Probably Suck Too” or “I Hate my Kids Soooo Much Right Now!!” or “10 Ways My Husband Annoys the Hell out of Me!”? Now THAT’s real!

Seriously though, I’d like to see “Not in a Good Mood Today”. I don’t need details, but let me know you’re human. Without divulging much, tell me that you hurt sometimes, cry sometimes, get angry sometimes and are wrong sometimes. Then I wouldn’t hate as much.

I don’t really hate them. I’m actually one of those that can sit for hours and read every post they ever posted. I admire them. I subscribe to them! And I secretly want to be them. But you know what, I’m NOT them. I’m me. And while my family may not be perfect, they aren’t horrible either. We have great times and there are times that are challenging for us. And truthfully, we are going through one of those times right now.

I started this blog wanting it to be a Super Mom Blog. But I’m not a Super Mom. I think that’s why the posts have been so few and far between. I relate more to moms like Lois Wilkerson (Malcolm in the Middle), Debra Barone (Everybody Loves Raymond) and Rochelle (Everybody Hates Chris). At times, they have issues, scream, yell, cry, and are miserable but no doubt, they LOVE their family unconditionally.


  1. Like you said, a lot of people don't write about the bad moments, in an effort to keep up the professionalism on their blog. Some people don't like to read a lot of negative posts, but I agree that being honest sometimes can add to the realism of it all.

    I have issues with trying to be a super mom myself. ;)

  2. You might relate to my's called Not That Good Of A Person. ;)
